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Shipping Options

Shipping Options

We ship year-round and your order will arrive approximately 3-7 business days after completing and confirmation of your order. Orders are shipped USPS priority mail or FedEx 2 day Service unless otherwise indicated.  Express Mail is available for an additional cost. Please contact us prior to confirming your order if you need customized shipping options.

We can ship to virtually any address in the world and we will ship packages to your loved ones in the military.

Holiday Shipping Options

Please allow at least 10-14 days prior to your gift arrival for a timely delivery. We will make every effort to process orders received after Holiday deadline in an expedited manner, but we cannot guarantee delivery by the holiday.

If you would like to place your holiday order in advance, please note the date you would like your package to arrive in the comments section when purchasing and we will hold your order to ship at that time.

Thank you.
